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on 2019-10-29
 HELP WANTED! I'm searching a translator for my game's manual.


I want to release the game "Legyél Te Is Burzsuj!" ("Who Wants To Be A Bourgeois?") for Halloween, and the hungarian manual are ready.
But I have other things to do with the game, so I need someone who translate this manual to english.
It's not much text, but I don't have enough time and good english for this, so if anybody can and want to help, please contact me!


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on 2019-10-29
 Re: HELP WANTED! I'm searching a translator for my game's manual.

What about Google translate then human fixup? happy

Posted By

on 2019-10-29
 Re: HELP WANTED! I'm searching a translator for my game's manual.

Hypex: Google Translate... It doesn't know anything about contexts, style, etc. If you want to read a love letter from a braindead cyborg, then I send you the manuscript and give it to GT. It won't be a fixup, it will be a whole translating job from STEP 0.

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