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on 2019-06-30
 Re: The Unijoysticle 2 !!

Looks like a great device but I'm pretty sure it won't work with "regular" DB9->mini DIN joystick adapters as those connect the select line of the 264 series joystick port to the ground of the DB9. That's why auto fire joysticks (with additional electronics inside them) don't work correctly. In addition with the ground line "pulsing" (going to ground level only when you write $fb or $fd to $ff08) they generate pulses that kills TED.
So without special adapters (ground is wired properly to ground and inputs - 4 directions and fire - are OR-ed with the select) I wouldn't dare to use them on the 264 series.
(I plan to build such adapters for myself for a long time but it's very low on my priority list as I don't play games on my plus/4)

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