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on 2019-03-31
 Re: Berks Four ... coming soon?

Hi nojeee,

I saw an FB post about Berks 4, and thought instantly, man, I hope we'll have that on Plus/4 too! happy
In this case, I suggest using the simple PRG format (single file, no loading from tape/disc). Your program will load into the $1001-$FCFF range without any tricks, and in runtime, you can utilize the memory between $0200 - $FCFF. I suggest you should "take over" the whole machine by turning ROM off and redirect the IRQ vector ($FFFE-F) to your own one.
If you run out of free ram, you can compress your in-memory data with (for example) Exomizer, and uncompress when you need it (for example compress each world separately, and unpack the one you need, or compress each room separately, etc.)
For simple games, VICE is fine, but it's far from perfection. For near perfect emulation you should use Plus4Emu, or if you don't like its custom UI or debugger, can use YAPE as well.
If you need help, just ask, and download SVS Ultimate Map v2 from this site.

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