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on 2019-03-01
 CC65 C16 + 64k configuration?

Hi guys, has anyone else played around with cc65 here? If possible I would like to make my wip game c16 compatible and not only for the plus/4.

I've seen that it's possible to mod the c16 with +64k RAM, but the standard cc65 config files only include an unexpanded c16 and c16 + 32k. Unfortunately I don't understand the c16 and plus 4 on a very deep level yet, so I don't know what difference there would be on a c16+64k config and the plus4 config file, (other than that there might be something somewhere about the banking here that I don't understand.)

The cc65 documentation states: "The difference between both cc65 targets is that the Plus/4 runtime uses banking to support full 64K RAM, while the C16 does not use banking and supports up to 32K RAM. Because banking is not needed, most C16 programs will be somewhat smaller than the same program compiled for the Plus/4. However, programs C16 will always run on the Plus/4, while the reverse is not necessarily true."

Because of this I would like to develop for c16+64k first, but is it cc65 that restricts it to 32k although 64k is possible? I thought it would be possible to just modify the config file for c16+64k but I'm not sure.

I was thinking that I will try to limit the game to 32k, but then again if I can't limit it to 16k I might aswell make both versions 64k. Don't get me wrong, I love restrictions, but for my first c16/plus4 game I was thinking that I'm happy just if I even can get it to work, fit in 64k and finish it. Perhaps I'll have 16k restrictions on a later project.

Posted By

on 2019-03-01
 Re: CC65 C16 + 64k configuration?

There is no difference between C16 with 64k and a Plus/4, from viewpoint of cc65.

C16 (0-$3fff) and C16 with 32k (0-$7fff) do not need banking (switching RAM/ROM over $8000), because their top of RAM never will reach $8000.
C16 with 64k and Plus/4 both need banking.

In short, for C16 with 64k, you can use the plus4 config of cc65 without any problems.

Posted By

on 2019-03-01
 Re: CC65 C16 + 64k configuration?

Yay! Now I can continue development without worries, thank you so much for explaining that!

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