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Posted By

on 2019-02-05
 3 plus 1 replacement.

I'm goning to make a custom plus/4.
I'd like to how to make a replacement of 3 plus 1 rom with several utility softwares.
(I.e. Script/Plus, Calc/Plus, LOGO, etc)
I think that it requires a larger rom.
How can i do it?

Posted By

on 2019-02-05
 Re: 3 plus 1 replacement.

As I see, the 3+1 ROM built up from two 16KB upper and lower ROM part.
So theoretically you have 32KB if you replace the 3+1.

Unfortunately burning of EPROMs was never my hobby, and not an expert in that.
Frankly speaking I think we have less tools for that, than the C64 scene.
Most of the EPROM burner SWs are in German or Hungarian. Most of them are rather old, and very few documentation available.
Several articles in the Club Info on the topic (in German).

I found a similar collection from 1992, called 3.1EPROM, contains fastloaders, disassembler, compressior, etc, probably it could be burned as EPROM and put into the slot of the 3+1. Hungarian...

V3+1 Eprom

I am not sure, if it is the right format, as not a CRT file... But I am not an expert, so it may also work with a proper burner SW... :-)

Posted By

on 2019-02-05
 Re: 3 plus 1 replacement.

Thanks for your advice.
Actually, i meant that making a new kind of 3-plus-1 that all software in one rom.
(Script/Plus, Calc/Plus, LOGO, micro illustrator in a rom that can loded after press f1 key., like Sidius Plus/4)

Posted By

on 2019-02-05
 Re: 3 plus 1 replacement.

Oh, typeos. @MMS

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