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on 2018-10-11
 Re: sic-p4 image converter

My code will be on github if anyone interested.
I won't really have a conversion method. I will define variables and how those variables define the picture and the output file as well as an error function. I will have one or more generic optimizers on top of this and that's all.

One optimization idea worth shring:
So, you are using a limited palette of your full palette to interpolate pixels on an image. Let's say you used color C from some limited palette to interpolate P1,P2,...,Pn on the picture and the average of those colors is P. Any color on your full palette closer to P than C yields a better interpolation. Let's say you walk through your palette, optimize it this way, interpolate the pixels again, repeat. You have reduced the overall error in every step but you have finate combinations, so this will converge to a local minimum.

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