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on 2018-07-21
 Re: Pixelite - new hires editor with plus4 color palette support

Really intuitive and nice HTML based tool! Nicely done The fluid and quick zoom is a real extra, I think never seen before on Plus/4 editing tool. Also seeing the zoomed and total picture at the same time is really good.
Nice tool!
(with Microillustrator and Multibotticelli I had troubles, that when I editied the picture, and have something in mind, but after unzooming I realized I was wrong, and it looked terrible, so I had to go back and correct it)

I made a short test, and only one think is missing: modify mixel without changing the color on the attribute area.
Ot just changing the color of the attribute (would be more interesting on Plus/4 with the Luminance)

I mean: there are well defined colors, but you notice some pixels need to be corrected.
In case of C64 you easily find your color, select it, then draw. In case of Plus/ you have to find the luminance value too, and you can make a mistake. Well, you can corect it with CTRL+Z, and repeat the sequence. It is a little time consuming.

On the other hand I may suggest few improvements (or at least for me it would be easier to handle):
-When you press SHIFT together with the mouse button, then you can change the foregound or background color to the one selected on the left side, without changing a pixel.
-When you press CTRL together with the mouse button, then you draw a pixel with mouse button without changing the color of the attribute, irrespective of the color setting on the left side. It could make the last stage corrections faster
-When you press the ALT together with the mouse button, then you just ALTernate the pixel, and you can check it on the "unzoomed" picture what effect it has on the global picture.
Sorry if these are somehow implmented, but then could not find them.

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