| Posted By
SVS on 2003-01-27
| Online messaging
Mainly for Csabo:
I tried the new feature, and I like it ...and I need a few clarifications: a) Yesterday, I was online at 18:30 (17:30 Greenwich time), and I saw that James was on line too; b) I did send him a short greeting message, but I did not receive anything; c) Today when I connected, I read the answer from James: it seems that he did reply immediately when he did receive my message. d) Now: private-message system TITLE-bar tells that I sent my message at 17:26; on the contrary TEXT of its window tells my message was sent at 12:26 e) Reply of James window tells he did send his reply at: 17:26.
maybe was there a delay from my operation and system relay? Why I see James reply only this morning?
Anyway, Csabo, a great feature: don't be sad because of these points
Posted By
JamesC on 2003-01-27
| SVS -->
I never log out..... the system will think I am here for a little bit after I have left.
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-01-27
| Re: Online messaging
The messaging uses the server time and date, not your computer's time. When a message is sent, it's in the database immediately. It is also immediately displayed to the recipient, when the recipient hits any page here at Plus/4 World.
So, for example, let's say you open the forum page after you sent your message at 17:26:10. James sends his message at 17:26:20, ten seconds later. If you keep looking at the forum page, nothing happens. You probably just closed your browser window. If you click on anything though (games page, any forum topic, anything) the message will be displayed.
I hope you can see the difference. If a message is send, nothing will happen on your computer until you "pick it up".
Posted By
SVS on 2003-01-27
| Well, I understand.
But as I told you, there is too a "local time" mentioned in the text-window. Better should be to specify by a suffix what time stamp it deals. For example (ST=Server time; LT=Local time, UT=User time ?). A further complication is that "local time" showed 17:26 while at my home it was 18:26 (we in Italy have +1 hour from Greenwich). Hoping not boring you with these details, told in order to better clarify the new feature. Greetz.
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-01-27
| Re: Times
Okay, I think I know where the confusion is. First of all once again, any time displayed on any page is always Server Time - that's the only thing I can get with the time function in PHP.
When you receive a message from the "System", that window will have two times. The caption will say when that system message was sent, in other words, when the recipient of your message has clicked "Clear". The body of the message will tell you when you sent the original message (and to whom). This date/time is always earlier (obviously). It could be days apart.
Does that help?
Posted By
JamesC on 2003-01-27
| Csabo -->
A slight clarification: The server is on New York time, which is 4 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time.
I *think* that over the weekend, while the IMs were in testing, your screen (that showed what was sent to the server) appended the local time, which is what SVS is referring to. I notice this morning that I no longer see those 'diagnostic' screens; I simply see a box that says my message 'have' been sent. (Proper wording should be that a single message HAS, or a group of messages HAVE, been sent.)
Posted By
JamesC on 2003-01-27
| SVS -->
About being 'online': I sent a message to you this morning (after lunch your time) when the system showed you online. A few minutes later your name was on the 'within the last 2 hours' line, so either: a) you had just logged off when I sent my message, or b) you did not log off of Plus/4 World (I don't log out either) and the system 'timed' you out after 2 hours of no activity from your IP address.
There have been times recently when I have been online from home, not logged out, then came to this site from work without logging in, and it still showed me as online.
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-01-27
| Re: Online
Being online is tracked by IP, you don't need to be logged in. If your name shows up under the on-line list, it means that you gave a hit to Plus/4 World within the last ten minutes. So when you looked at the page from home/work (whatever) you will always see your name online, because you just gave a hit by looking at the page.
Thanks for pointing out that typo, I noticed it already, but haven't had time to fix it.
Posted By
SVS on 2003-01-28
| Tips
a) when one is going to send a message to another "on-line" user, the system should check if the second user is still on-line (he could be disconnected within the last 9 minutes). In this way the sender could be warned that the other one is not there. b) Being interesting news I should put the on-line list on the top of the page, and hilighting the on-line names.
Do you like these ideas?
P.S. - Any new aspect-theme? (Startrek-like...)
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-01-28
| Re: On-line
Okay, here's how it works. If you visit any page, that date and time is saved. Anyone who has visited any page in the last 10 minutes is what I called on-line. There is no such thing as 'disconnecting', at least the site doesn't know that. Even the term 'on-line' is a bit misleading. Maybe I should list the people who visited a page within the last one minute, and call those on-line?
About what you're suggesting, just refresh the forum before sending. That way if a name is still within the "on-line" part, you can send your message. This is why I didn't call it "instant message", just "private"... I don't think it's useful for real-time chatting (although it can work that way), but more like personal notes/questions.
I guess I could put the names on the top, but would everyone like that?
Posted By
JamesC on 2003-01-28
| Csabo -->
I still like my idea of a 'private messaging management page', where if I have received a private message, clicking it takes me to another page where I can manage my private messages. I should be able to clear (all or selected) messages with check-boxes and a single 'clear' button, see who is online and send (single or group via checkboxes) messages, reply to any unreplied (but not cleared) messages..... as Csabo said, when I clear or reply to a private message currently, it takes me away from the page I was trying to view. By directing private message functions to another page completely, with the latest message the only one reappearing on my screen, the distraction is minimal.
A link to this 'management' page in the top header (along with Members, Groups, Tools, etc) would also be helpful. While we're at it, can we add 'who's online' and 'last viewed' to the header also? This would save having to go back to the index page to view those.
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-01-29
| James -->
The 'taking away' problem is now fixed. Previously, all you had to do was click "back" and "refresh". But since you, SVS and Lando all mentioned this, I created a solution: when you clear a private message, there's now a link that you can click to get back to where you were (by using META REFRESH it will also take you back there automatically in 5 seconds).
The only other problem I see is the 'double reply', when someone clicks reply, the system sends a message automatically, this should be cleared if a reply is sent. I'll try to do this ASAP.
I will not put this to a separate page, I don't think that's a good idea. The purpose of this feature was to send quick and short messages that are obvious. From the usage so far it looks like there wouldn't be any need for that, you will rarely get more than one.
I've added who's online to the last visited page, though. Thanks for the suggestions!
Posted By
JamesC on 2003-01-29
| Csabo -->
Okay adding Who's Online to the Last Visited page does help a bit... but can it be moved to the top of the page, with the other tables below Who's Online?
A link from the header would still be nice, currently to view Last Visited we have to go to Home (index.php) then scroll down to Last Visited.
Also, there is no way to send a PM to someone who hasn't been on in the last 8 hours. I wished to send one to SVS last night (9pm my time, 2am Greenwich) but since SVS hadn't been on since mid-afternoon my time, I had to wait til this morning. Could a button be added to the user's lookup page to send a PM if they are registered as a user here?
Posted By
Csabo on 2003-01-31
| Improvements
If the recipient hits reply to a message, the system sends a confirmation. However, this confirmation is automatically cleared, if the recipient actually replies. This way if you come to the site, and have a reply from somebody you will no longer see 1) the system telling you that the other person may reply and 2) the actual reply, but only the latter. Less clutter, easier to clear.
I've also added a "Send a private message!" link to all members who have a visitor record.
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