Posted By
 Csabo on 2017-03-26 22:17:51
| Re: "Ram under Rom"
I think SYS above $8000 will always call the ROM. You can get around by using a small "wedge", which does what JamesC mentioned above. Here's a practical example:
0 DATA78,8D,3F,FF,20,00,80,8D,3E,FF,58,60 1 FORI=0TO11:READA$:POKE4072+I,DEC(A$):NEXTI 2 DATAA9,32,8D,19,FF,60 3 FORI=0TO5:READA$:POKEDEC("8000")+I,DEC(A$):NEXTI 4 SYS4072
It places a small routine to $8000 which simply turns the border red, then calls it from BASIC.