Posted By
 Spector on 2003-01-19
| That's the way it is, I'm afraid
Most people talk about things they know nothing about as if they actually do know about it. I looked at that magazine too, and thought it was a wonderful tribute to "Crash" magazine, with the same layout and heavy Spectrum content. I did have a quick look for a mention of the C16, but couldn't see it anywhere, so the fact that you managed to see it at all is something. There was a place on the net which talked about old machines and they said "Commodore 16/Plus4 : 1984 - An absolute disaster." That's nice isn't it? Of course the machine had a smaller part to play in that period than The Big Two (three if you count Amstrad), but the best games hold up. And it's important to remember that it had a colour pallette that was comparable to the Sega Master System, and way ahead of all other machines in that price range at the time. That's what makes it an interesting machine to me. If only they had used the 64K of the plus4...