Posted By
Csabo on 2016-11-01 14:42:34
| Re: Text in circle in Basic
Works, but it really needs some more attention detail. - Fix the issue JamesC pointed out. - Line 310 refers to a non-existent line.
The rest is optimization. There's many things that could be done, just a few really glaring ones: - GOSUB 300 in line 70 should be avoided. GOSUBs are costly, and this routine is only called once. It makes the code unnecessarily slow. - IF X <> 0, well, when you think about it, X can only be greater than zero, so X>0 would already be better, but in BASIC, the "perfect" solution is "IF X THEN" (which is true for any non-zero number). - SIN(C) and COS(C) is used twice, but this a very costly calculation. The same exact value is unnecessary calculated 16 times in the loop! You can just pre-calculate both of those in the beginning of the C loop.
Good luck and happy coding!