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on 2016-10-17
 VDC Challenge :-)

It is a long time dedication of mine to prove, that more color is better than higher resolution, due to the fact, that you can smooth the edges and generate nicer tones (especially faces, vivid colouerd animals, landscapes, etc). If you have ever seen any Amiga HAM picture from th better ones you get the idea.

So my next slideshow will be called "VDC Challenge" to answer the challenge given by the people who developed for C128 the VDC GFX modes can show with the 64K video RAM utilization 720x700, 800x600, 640x576, 640x480 and 480x252 modes with different "attribute" settings, like 8x2, 8x3, 8x1

You can check the original C128 slideshow yourself at:

I will challenge the most advanced settings of VDC chip with the TED's IHFLI mode (it has no strong picture vibration due the fact only one bitmap used).

I tried to find on internet the exact match of the VDC Mania pictures, and convert them with the finest settings of IstvanV's GFX converter routine. I played a lot with the different dithering methods and settings, and interestingly the Randomized version worked the best with human faces (Istvan suggested back then to play with it. Now I agree, at that time Jarvis and Stucki was more impressive to me)

I planned to edit the converted pics and remove bad pixels, but then there is no crosstool editor to able to edit and repack these lossless compressed pictures this fantastic GFX converter can create.
I want to fit only on ONE D64 disc side, but for this compression of the pictures is essential, as it generates ~4 times smaller files. This feature is a kind of fantastic on this platform.

Certainly emulators + LCD screens can hardly give back the same analog color dithering and pixel washing as it was visible on the Color TVs or Monitors, maybe Plus4Emu's Display3 setting. YAPE CRT emulation seems adding a softening layer on the Plus/4 screen, but found it less "aggressive" (little less satisfactory for me, but maybe that's only me)

We will see soon, 1-2 more weeks happy
Posted By

on 2016-10-19
 Re: VDC Challenge :-)

Looks really promising, looking forward to the release happy
Posted By

on 2016-10-23
 Re: VDC Challenge :-)

I continue my trials how to improve further the quality of conversions.

Recently I noticed, that some of the Amiga picture's quality (used for the VDC Mania) was not good enough for my slideshow, so I had to look for a better source for quality picture happy
(unfortunately uploader tool does not work right now, so I cannot show evidence)

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