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on 2016-07-05
 Next SCCAN meeting - Sunday, July 4

Happy 4th of July, C= and Ami comrades!

The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Sunday, July 10, from 2 to 4+ p.m. at

Panera Bread Restaurant
19662 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, California
(818) 407-9400

Notice that the meeting is on Sunday, instead of our usual Saturday.

This month we'll look into the Kim Uno, a modern implementation of the KIM-1. Also we'll have the VIC-20 with the Behr-Bonz multi-cart (which is full of classic games). The Amiga 1200 returns, this time with newly-installed WHDLoad games, like RodLand and Fightin' Spirit. We'll also have the usual SX-64 and Plus/4 units with various programs.

Just a few weeks until the July 30-31 Commodore Vegas Expo and expect
a lot of discussion will revolve around that.

Bring anything else you wish to share!

Robert Bernardo

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