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on 2016-06-06
 Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, June 12

Happy June, C= and Ami aficionados!

The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 2+ p.m., Sunday, June 12 at --

Bobby Salazar's Mexican Restaurant
2839 North Blackstone Ave. (corner of Blackstone and Michigan)
Fresno, California
(559) 227-1686

Note that our meeting is one week earlier than usual.

During lunch, we'll watch part 5 of the video documentary, "Growing the 8-Bit Generation."

For discussion, I'll have a summary and photos of the Commodores and Amigas at the the May 20-22 Maker Faire 2016. Then we'll have more discussion of the July 30-31 Commodore Vegas Expo v12 and the August 6-7 Vintage Computer Festival.

For the third month in a row, the Chalkboard PowerPad returns, this time with the C64 paint program, Leo's Lectric Paintbrush. If member Louis M. agrees, he may bring back his ZoomFloppy for all to see. For the VIC-20, we look at the improved, corrected/fixed games from Rob "GreyGhost" -- Tunnel Run, Towers of Hanoi, Sammako, Critical Mass, and Omak. For the Plus/4, it's the classic Graphic Tools (NTSC) disks from Jim Hehl. For the Amiga 1200 newly-autographed by William Shatner, we look at games which were installed by Duncan M. and which were a big hit at Maker Faire.

Don't forget to bring in any hardware items for C= repair technician Ray Carlsen to repair; I plan on seeing him in early July.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
July 30-31 Commodore Vegas Expo v12 -

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