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on 2015-12-21
 1531 queries

I have been avidly playing my C16 and have been using my trusty 1531 to load up the games (having not yet taken the plunge to get one of those sd card thingies!) having only joined the C16 scene in the last 9 months or so I have been pleasantly surprised at just how reliable that 1531 has been.

Recently though my beloved device has been a bit temperamental, where 99.9% of the time it loaded up all that was thrown it's way that figure has dropped to about 75% which irritates a tad, so without mentioning the sd card scenario what can I do that will get my 1531 firing on all cylinders again? Is it a slipped alignment head or just build up of dirt on the tapeheads or is it on it's way out? I noticed that one of my C2n's has got a bit this way on my C64 too. Does anyone have any tips/suggestions etc?

Posted By

on 2015-12-22
 Re: 1531 queries

It is possible that your 1531 needs a head adjustment. If I'm not wrong there is somewhere a program able to help you in the operation (named "Tape adjust"? it shows on screen a value while you set the head by a screwdriver).

The problem of the tapes on the contrary is not so easy to solve. After more than 30 years the tapes could have suffered by many matters (tape jamming, de-magnetizing, tape stuck, etc.).
If you have a tape to rescue and a lot of patience, then you can open the cassette and rotate manually one wheel in order to slowly rewind it. You can even cut off damaged parts and join the good ones with Scotch (remember that every Plus/4-C16 program file is stored twice on tape - not the data of course).

Good luck!

Posted By

on 2015-12-24
 Re: 1531 queries

Thanks for taking the time to respond, much appreciated. I think that you are probably right, after having used the deck a lot over the last few months or so I guess the alignment must have adjusted fractionally which hasn't helped in the reliability stakes, I haven't wanted to tinker too much for fear of making the issue worse but I guess I will have to bite the bullet and adjust a little to help things on their way. I may well pick up a second 1531 deck so I can tinker to my hearts content! that said I have noticed the price of them creeping up which is a bit annoying!

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