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Posted By

on 2015-06-23
 Commodore Free issue 88 released (fwd)

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Commodore Free issue 88 release
From: "Nigel Parker"

Issue 88 of commodore Free has been released

Commodore Free Magazine

Issue 88

Free to download magazine
dedicated to Commodore computers
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML,
TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image


* Editorial
* General News

* C64 News

* VIC 20 News

* C16 and Plus/4 News

* PET News

* Amiga News

* Review: The Music System
* Interview With Paul Gardner-Stephen
* Review: Boxing - For the PET
* Review: Sopwiths And Pterrordons
* Programming In BASIC
* Review: Down
* Computing History With Commodore
* Setting Up a New E-Bay Amiga 1200

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