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on 2015-06-09
 Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, June 14

Happy hot weather, C= and Ami aficionados!

The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 2+ p.m., Sunday, June 14 at --

Bobby Salazar's Mexican Restaurant
2839 North Blackstone Ave. (corner of Blackstone and Michigan)
Fresno, California

Note the date change of our meeting, instead of the usual third Sunday of the month.

This month we'll talk about the June 20 Back In Time Live concert of C64 music, the June 27 Amiga 30 in Amsterdam, and of course, the July 18-19 Commodore Vegas Expo (all the latest news). For the fourth month in a row, we continue our celebration of the 30th anniversary of the C128. We'll try out some C128 games, courtesy of the GEnie Commodore File Library at CBMFiles.com. We'll watch the new YouTube interview of Bil Herd, the lead engineer of the C128 and Plus/4 (I must not repeat any of those interview questions when Bil shows up at CommVEx!).

V.P. Roger will show us his latest findings on the MMC64 cartridge with MP@64 board. For our VIC-20 fans, there will be the mostly-finished games, Blazer and Galaxy Renegade (for 24K). For our Plus/4 fans, there will be the newish game, Mr. Angry Dude. And in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Amiga, I'll bring in the Amiga 1000 with 512K of Chip RAM and 2 megs of Fast RAM.

On summer vacation,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
July 18-19 Commodore Vegas Expo v11 -

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