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on 2015-05-20
 Next SCCAN meeting - Saturday, May 23

Happy month of May, C= and Ami comrades!

The next meeting of the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network is Saturday, May 23, from 2 to 4+ p.m. at

Panera Bread Restaurant
19662 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, California
(818) 407-9400

For this meeting, the MCC-216 (Multiple Classic Computer) will return with its Amiga, C64, Atari 2600, and Spectrum emulations. The Amiga 3000 also returns with its OS 3.1, 4 gig SCSI hard drive, and ZorRAM board which gives an extra 256 megs of Fast RAM. On the C64 side, we'll look at MMC64 cartridge with MP3@64 board. For the VIC-20, we'll try out the 2015 games, Knossoss and Scrap Yard Scrapes. For the Plus/4, we'll try out newly-released PetDraw.

We'll discuss Maker Faire which took place last weekend, the upcoming Commodore Vegas Expo with special guests, Leonard Tramiel, Bil Herd, and Mike Battilana; and the upcoming Amiga 30th Anniversary celebration.

Bring anything you'd like to share to the meeting!

Robert Bernardo
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

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