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on 2015-03-04
 Re: Competition for the Plus/4 & for the C16

Wow, this is all... pessimistic isn't it?!

Annual competitions like the RGCD one (which is for games that fit into 16K of ROM cartridge but can use the entire RAM when executing), the MSXdev, ABBUC's yearly software competition or the Amstrad CPC 16K one that sadly only ran for one year encourage people to develop games. That is always a Good Thing! =-)

The games don't have to be technically astounding or huge in scale, just fun to play. They don't have to be written by the small pool of active coders (and nobody here is in a different boat to the people contributing elsewhere, we all have lives, families and day jobs) because these things have been known to both galvanise others who have been saying "one day i'll learn" and encourage folks to pootle over from other communities (so any deadlines should preferably be kept away from those of other 6502-based competitions, around July would probably be best).

Have a look at how the others are run and talk to some of the people behind them for ideas about rules, judging, how to blag a couple of prizes perhaps... maybe even join forces with the other 264-specific websites to organise and promote it. To paraphrase Field Of Dreams, if you build it they might not come but who knows...

Edit: Wow, a whole month and nobody's said anything... that's quite sad really. i've even got a small game that could be made ready for a competition if it ever happened! =-)

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