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Posted By

on 2014-11-20
 Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, Nov. 23

Happy Thanksgiving, C= and Ami aficionados!

The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 1+ p.m., Sunday, Nov. 23 at --

Bobby Salazar's Mexican Restaurant
2839 North Blackstone Ave. (corner of Blackstone and Michigan)
Fresno, California

This month we have a veritable cornucopia of Commodore! In celebration of its 10th anniversary, we'll be playing the C64 DTV 30-games-in-one joystick, PAL and/or NTSC versions. On the C128 front, we'll try out the CP/M Kit (which includes Chess). For the VIC-20, we'll have the new 2014 games, Panicman, Pulse, Get the Cat, and Bounce. For the Plus/4, we'll examine the Plus/4 Diagnostic Cartridge from Rob C. of Switzerland. For the Amiga 500 (with 8 meg. SupraRAM and SupraTurbo 28 accelerator), we'll look at Silent Service II.

All that plus the promo video, the 8 Bit Generation with Jack Tramiel!

Too much hardware to bring!
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

Posted By

on 2014-11-20
 Re: Next FCUG meeting - Sunday, Nov. 23

8 Bit Generation videos are on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/8bitgenerationvideo

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