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Posted By
 Csabo on 2014-09-19 17:42:53
| Re: Who thinks KISTART should get a remake?
The C16 version was ported to C=64 by T.M.R, you can check it out here:
By remake, do you mean on the PC? There was one remake for the Amiga (listed on the Remakes page), but we no longer have a download link for it. I also recall a much more modern version of it for one of the consoles maybe, but it probably wasn't a remake, more like an "inspired by".
Posted By
 MIK on 2014-09-19 18:25:53
 | Re: Who thinks KISTART should get a remake?
I think I know the one you mean, Trials HD on XBOX360. There also might be a hint of KikStart in the game Joe Danger which was first released on PS3 and then later on XBOX360.
As for a remake on C16/Plus4, nah... best left as it is. If your after more there are about 12 other versions of the same game on the site. 
Posted By
 retroscener on 2014-09-19 18:34:19
 | Re: Who thinks KISTART should get a remake?
I'm not really understanding the question, why remake a game which is superior anyway? It obviously makes sense to port the C16 version over to the C64 which is a totally different kind of game, which of course Csabo has rightly pointed out it's already been done, and fabby it is too 
I'd like to see Tom16 get a port to the C64. The beige breadbin version is absolutely horrible.
Posted By
 commodore69 on 2014-09-19 19:34:43
| Re: Who thinks KISTART should get a remake?
Baz I agree the C64 version of TOM THUMB is a horrible game why didn't UDO GERTZ just port the plus version over to the C64 which has now been done as I love TOM THUMB its great as well as FIRE ANT!
Posted By
 commodore69 on 2014-09-19 19:37:10
| Re: Who thinks KISTART should get a remake?
The C128 version of KIKSTART is also available and the never released C64 KIKSTART 3!
Posted By
 MIK on 2014-09-20 02:51:55
 | Re: Who thinks KISTART should get a remake?
The story goes, Udo Gertz had a number of friends with Commodore 16's and he wanted to give them games as good as what was on C64 being the under dog machine. Don't forget owning a C16 or Plus/4 was also a machine for poor people, or the not so well off families who may of had Brothers & Sisters meaning spending almost x3 as much on a C64 could not be justified. Udo Gertz was doing us a favour as he already had a Vic20 & C64! 
Seeing as Udo was maybe 13 years old when he did C64 Tom Thumb you need to cut the game some slack. What you also have to remember is that there are loads of what I would call worse games on C16/Plus4 that sold for good money and by standards of some of the not so good ones such as Suicide Run they make Tom 64 look and play like a Masterpiece.
There is a certain charm about Tom 64 any way and it has a cool atmosphere all of it's own thanks to the strange, spooky but also interesting music. Without it there would never of been a Tom Thumb as good as it is on C16/Plus4! Any thing you don't like about Tom 64 is more about the time it was coded, the style of how games were before the likes of Elite came along with Ghosts'n Goblins on C64. Now seeing as Udo also had a Vix20, I wonder that just maybe the music in Tom 64 was inspired by the music in the Vic20 game Rockman. Not the tune but the style of it. It's classic 1984 stuff any way! 
Posted By
 commodore69 on 2014-09-20 09:22:45
| Re: Who thinks KISTART should get a remake?
MIK I have nothing against TOM64 its a good game but comes nowhere near the PLUS 4 MASTERPIECE the game is a legend its wonderful and as you say there is a VIC 20 version although UDO wrote that game too its nothing like TOMC16 or TOM64!
Posted By
 retroscener on 2014-09-20 11:31:54
 | Re: Who thinks KISTART should get a remake?
Only real problem I have with Tom64 is that it's far too hard and unfair, thus ruining any enjoyment I could have gained out of it 
Posted By
 commodore69 on 2014-09-20 16:33:22
| Re: Who thinks KISTART should get a remake?
I AGREE BAZ its too hard as TOM16 is hard but enjoyable while TOM64 is like SPOOKY CASTLE by ATLANTIS so HARD ITS DAM RIDDICULIOUS you soon get tired of doing the same part of the game over and over again you get pissed off and give up but TOM16 is a wonderful game as UDO GERTZ was the genius who made this great classic game!