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on 2014-05-02
 Re: Flood What? It!

Hey Retro76,

(Some off-topic stuff happy) Yeah, Plus/4 World will be here until the end of time happy Well, or as long as we can do it, anyway. We've moved homes once already, so it might happen in the future. Viruses? Nah. Hackers? That did happen once... There was some FTP issue which allowed an attacker to change the PHP files. It affected everyone on the host, so it was nothing specific to our site. People noticed right away and IIRC we took care of it within a day (it was easy to remove the added code). Spam? That's an ongoing thing, but I'd say we have it under control. I used to do it all manually, but eventually gave a [Spam] button to everyone in the community, and the folks here are pretty good at getting rid of it. I sometimes adjust our filters. I just looked: in the last 2 weeks since I checked we caught 639 spams, 14 of which was done manually, the rest automatic.

Anyway, downloading the game should be no problem, it's only 4K! happy Much, much smaller than even one page on this site. So you should be able to get it and play it on your machine. If you have a high score, don't worry about a screenshot, just submit it.

MIK, thanks happy Good ideas!

SixteenPlus, that's a most excellent score, you're pretty good at it. Close to the absolute maximum.

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