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on 2014-04-14
 Commodore Free - issue 79 available (fwd)

----------------- Original message -----------------

From: Nigel Parker


Commodore Free Magazine

Issue 79
Free to download magazine
dedicated to Commodore computers
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML,
TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image

* Editorial
* Reader's Comments
* Commodore Free E-Cover Tape #12
* General News
- Source code for ssg
- ACME Cross-Assembler
* C64 & 128 News
- C64 Take-Away Podcast 52
- C64FC Flash Cartridge
- Digital Talk Issue 98 Released
- Web SID Experiment Released
- geoSpecific GEOS CD
- Another Day, Another Zombie
- Multicart 64 Now Available
- EyeToy Kinetic Combat PS2 & C128
- Developing A C64 Emulator
- Website GEOS Info & Program Code
- Knights & Demons Released
- Hero Time 2 SEUCK Game
- Nordic Scene Review #8
- Scene World Issue 22 Released
* C16 & Plus/4 News
- Club Info 133 Released
- Flashback Demo for the Plus/4
- Saboteur Released For The C16
* Amiga News
- Amiga Future Issue 106 and 107
- Ranger
- AresOne (2014) Available Now
- Amiga games on iPad/iPhone
- The King of Chicago out now
- AROS Vision 2.3
- New ACA500 Packs Available
- New Articles on Obligement
- AEROS for Pi beta7 available
- Hollywood available again
- Amigatronics 1x02 Podcast
- Hyperon FUSE and NTFS for AmigaOS
* Review: Cassiopei
* Interview with Kevin Tilley
* Games That Shouldn't Have Been
* Review: A.R.C.O.S.
* Review: Flappy Bird
* Review: ViccyBird
* Review: Pulse
* Review: Panicman - For the VIC 20
* The Assembly Line - Part $02

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