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on 2014-03-14
 Lots o' C= @ Vintage Computer Festival East - April 4-6

---------------------- Original message --------------------
From: Evan Koblentz

Hello C= fans!

There will be plenty of Commodore events at the VCF East next month, including a history lecture by Dave Haynie, a video/CRT repair course by Bil Herd, the premier of Zach Weddington's "Viva Amiga" documentary, and even a homemade C64 multiplayer videogame. Read on for details...


The Vintage Computer Festival East returns on April 4-6, at the InfoAge Science Center, in Wall, New Jersey. It is hosted by MARCH: Mid-Atlantic Retro Computing Hobbyists.

Friday: VCF East University -- solely devoted to technical classes -- plus you get free pizza, and Tektronix will give away an oscilloscope!

Saturday: The main show -- lectures in the morning, exhibit hall in the afternoon, along with a consignment/vendors room and tours of the MARCH computer museum open all day long.

Lecturers will cover topics as diverse as IBM punched cards, the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN committee, Amiga, Franklin, the Internet Archive, security, and more.

The exhibit hall will feature 36 booths covering everything from mainframes to minicomputers to DIY hobby systems to eight-bitters. You'll see everything from a real Apple 1 to a UNIVAC mainframe!

And don't miss our hands-on workshops -- build amazing replicas of famous systems (with show discount prices!); learn to fix your own vintage computers; check out the latest products from five professional vendors; and so much more we couldn't possibly list it all here.

Details, ticket prices, directions, and more at at http://www.vintage.org/2014/east/ ... or be social with us at http://www.facebook.com/vcfeast.

Questions? Contact event producer Evan Koblentz at evan@snarc.net or (646) 546-9999.

Posted By

on 2014-04-06
 Re: Lots o' C= @ Vintage Computer Festival East - April 4-6

Luminaries at VCF East yesterday - CBM engineers Bil Herd, Dave Haynie, and Andy Finkel; hardware developer Jim Brain, and filmmaker Zach "Viva Amiga" Weddington! Today everybody returned except for Andy. Dave Haynie gave his presentation of CBM from 1986 to 1994, and Zach showed off some clips from his Viva Amiga film (to be released later this year).

After two days at the Vintage Computer Festival 9.1 in New Jersey,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

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