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Posted By

on 2014-03-11
 C16/Plus 4 Dust Cover?

Does such a thing exist? I've never seen one and googling didn't turn up anything promising.

They exist for the VIC-20, 64 and 128. I assume Commodore or someone else made them at some point.

Confirmations? Denials? Pics?


Posted By

on 2014-03-11
 Re: C16/Plus 4 Dust Cover?

A 64 dust cover will fit the 16. Never saw one for the Plus/4 here in the US.

Posted By

on 2014-03-11
 Re: C16/Plus 4 Dust Cover?

I don't think any one of us can outright deny it, I mean, it's possible that something like that does exist. Maybe by some third party company anyway. However, I personally never heard of it, so my guess would be "no such thing".

Posted By

on 2014-03-11
 Re: C16/Plus 4 Dust Cover?

Csabo, I used to have some 64 and 1541 dust covers, but they've since gone to the dustbin. (See what I did there? haha)

Photos galore at this Google images link. :)

Posted By

on 2014-03-12
 Re: C16/Plus 4 Dust Cover?

The generically-labeled Commodore dustcover (for the C64) will fit the C16 just fine.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

Posted By

on 2014-03-12
 Re: C16/Plus 4 Dust Cover?

Some terry towelling beer cloths are around the right size to cover a Plus/4, maybe a little longer but this extra length can folded around the underside of the Plus/4 to keep it in place.

Some tea towels for drying dishes folded in half longways are about the same size as a C16, they could be used to cover a Plus/4. Plain colours are available as I have one to cover my C64, and I actually have one on top of my C16 cover lol. My C16 cover which is a proper C64 one is silver and it's a bit off putting if watching TV, I have dark red ones which match my room colour. grin

Posted By

on 2014-03-12
 Re: C16/Plus 4 Dust Cover?

Thanks for all the responses!

I'll go the plain Commodore cover route. Didn't realize they would fit. I think I have a couple up in a closet somewhere.

Posted By

on 2014-03-12
 Re: C16/Plus 4 Dust Cover?

Cool. happy

I went looking for slim line electronic Type Writer keyboard covers just in case they could be useful.

I was surprised to see they have gone out of fashion quicker than the dinosaurs of 230million years ago. I wonder why... grin

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