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on 2014-02-23
 Games and the sd card

Hi I have one of those sd cards fitted to my plus 4 and I have loads of games on it but not many off this forum ,certainly a lot of games work ok but there is a high percentage that don't work very well is this quite normal ,because the games are either excellent are worst than poor ,very best wishes Brian.

Posted By

on 2014-02-24
 Re: Games and the sd card

Sadly I don't have one but...

Most games from this website should work on a real Plus/4 being 64k or less unless said other wise such as being C16 only but these are rare. They would work if you copied them to a real floppy disk's so I see no reason why a sd2iec would have problems with our most basic files.

All "GAME NAME HERE".prg files should work.
D64 files should also work.

.tap & .crt will NOT work.

If you do have problems with some .PRG files not loading then the odd one might be saved 1bite out meaning...
If you go into the machine monitor aka M(SHIFT)O and then type:

They should work then as the computer looks at the file to see where it should be loaded into memory instead of loading at the start of Basic memory when loaded the normal/classic way.

If you find any .PRG's like this then load them on your PC into the emulator YAPE and just simply re-save them. Yape will save them correctly so they can be loaded via normal basic.

Some games may require an SYS code or a G code to work so RUN will not always work. Check the games name, the file you downloaded as they normally come with that code in the file name.

Hope that helps...

Yes indeed, some games as you say are excellent, so good, some average and some poor, when the Plus/4 sister machine only had 16k sometimes you have to forgive the looks and look deeper at the gameplay such as the game Zolyx. Zolyx is just a DOT on the screen, but is great fun. happy
If you have a look here: http://plus4world.powweb.com/toplist
and then click on, Show Top 100 then that will list as it's says. Good place to start if you want to play some of the better games. happy

Posted By

on 2014-03-09
 Re: Games and the sd card

Hi MIK sorry about the delay in getting back only just bought Atari STE to go with my collection of Amiga family ,thanks again for the info my friend and if I ever get off the demo page you recommended I will be sure to try out the best games you also recommended lol awesome demo,s and I have downloaded quite a few and I would never have thought the plus 4 would be able to produce any thing of this quality totally amazed and brilliant fun truly grateful my friend ,Brian.

Posted By

on 2014-03-09
 Re: Games and the sd card

Cool, really glad to hear your enjoying your Plus/4! happy

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