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on 2014-02-23
 PLUS 4 Keyboard

Hi I can't help wondering how many keyboards I have to buy to get a good one ,the keys on the three I bought were not very responsive enough and after really cleaning every thing up even then they were not brilliant how ever after making one good one the space bar fell off and I could not find all the bits which is not good because my brother has most of my spare bits and he now lives miles away .so its Ebay time again where I have just bought another plus 4 which is sad really because I have grown quite attached to the little blighter ,best wishes Brian

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on 2014-02-23
 Re: PLUS 4 Keyboard

yeah i suppose you should look for a c16, it has one of the most robust keyboards made for 8bits. the only issue is the 16k only, and hard to get a memory expansion.

Posted By

on 2014-02-23
 Re: PLUS 4 Keyboard

The trouble is I think the plus 4 is brilliant and would hate to change to something else ,thanks for the reply,best wishes Brian.

Posted By

on 2014-02-24
 Re: PLUS 4 Keyboard

Just in case you missed it we have a little write up on keyboard cleaning, tho I'm sure you have done much the same already. Might help as the last one I did went well, I've never taken the actual keys off though...

How Can I Clean My Keyboard?

If you have the space it can pay to have a C16 just for 16k stuff, very handy as they are built to last. Sexy looking machine too complete with rainbow badge and the best of all the breadbins. When messing with 16k games I use the C16, 64K stuff the Plus/4. happy

Hope you can get the keyboard issue sorted out, or better. Always handy having spare Plus/4's if your fond of using the real machines. The more the better and out of them all you can make a good one I'm sure. Even dead ones can be handy. I once picked up a dead one that must of died early in it's life and was left, the keyboard was superb like new because it had seen little use! For the right price it can be useful having spares any way as I'm sure you know. happy

Posted By

on 2014-02-24
 Re: PLUS 4 Keyboard

keep an eye on ebay. sometimes unused keyboards show up there! couple of months ago i bought a brand new for 7,50 euro!

Posted By

on 2014-03-02
 Re: PLUS 4 Keyboard

Hi and thanks to all for there help ,just to let you know I did get a spare plus 4 and took the keyboard off that and repaired the damaged one and all the keys work well except the space bar is not quite as responsive as it should be but at least it works and I sure did miss it when It failed lol but all's well lol truly grateful for all the reply's very best wishes Brian

Posted By

on 2014-03-02
 Re: PLUS 4 Keyboard

Cool. happy

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