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on 2013-11-18
 Commodore Free issues 74 and 75 released! (fwd)

-------------- Original Message ----------------
Subject: Commodore Free Magazine
From: Nigel Parker

Two issues have been finished!

Commodore Free Magazine

Issue 74

Free-to-download magazine
dedicated to Commodore computers
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML,
TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image


* Editorial
* Commodore Free E-Cover Tape #7
* Readers Comments
* General News
- Happy Birthday MIDI 1.0
- Happy 50th Birthday Cassette
- MicroMusic.net 14 Year Birthday
- Non Functional Goodies
* C64 News
- KickAss Cruncher Plugins
- Dr. Evil Labs
- CODEBASE 64 Scanning the Keyboard
- UNP64 v2.30 Released
- Prg2Sid 0.80 Released
* VIC-20 News
- Realms of Quest IV: 4-Level Demo
- Assembly Programming on Vic-20
- Boogieman, Exploria and Korque
- Theater Of War Trilogy
* Amiga News
- AROS Vision 2.0 based in Magellan
- AmigaKit AMITCP 4
- AEROS for Pi beta 4
- Obligement Magazine Issue 100
- New Software Releases by OnyxSoft
- SketchBlock 2.2
- AmiSystemRestore R1 Beta7
- Vampire 600 Accelerator
- Zomco's parody of "Desert Dream"
- Interview Glenn Corpes
* Review: Moon Mission [C64]
* Review: Theater of War [VIC20]
* Interview with Ghislain de Blois
* Incomplete History of The VIC

Commodore Free Magazine

Issue 75

Free-to-download magazine
dedicated to Commodore computers
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML,
TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image


* Editorial
* Commodore Free E-Cover Tape #8
* General News
- Retro Planet Issue 1
- Arc64 Updated To V2.5
- C&A Games Issue 7, 8, 9 and 10
- Retro Asylum: David Whittaker
- Retrocomputing Retr0sbiancante
- Cassiopei
* C64 News
- C64 Studio v3.1
- Submarine Rescue
- Windows 105
- Use Mssiah with sd2uiec
- Commodore and Lego
- Jim Drew Website + SuperCard Pro
- C64 80-Column Adapter
- Hoxs64 Emulator v1.0.8.6
* VIC-20 News
- Pitfall
* C16 & Plus/4 News
- Vic-20/C16 Newsstand Compilation 2
- Tree Some Released for the Plus/4
- C+4 Hi-res Picture Disk Released
* Amiga News
- Bed Games 1: Carola
- Triangulation 118: Tim Jenison
- AmigaOS SDK Update (Finally)
- syaSokoban v2.0.1 for AROS
- WHDLoad Updates
* Speaking Notes for a Presentation
* Interview With Scott Hunter
* "The...System...Is...Down"

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