Posted By
 ATVNETWORK on 2013-11-08 19:26:45
| What's happened to Lemon 64 and Lemon Amiga????
Lemon 64 and Lemon Amiga have gone... Has Sega finally got all their Mastertronic games back and shut 'em down for good? They were saying they would!!
Posted By
 Csabo on 2013-11-08 22:33:31
| Re: What's happened to Lemon 64 and Lemon Amiga????
They are indeed down at the moment. I don't have any info (we're not affiliated other than linking to each other), but I wouldn't jump to the worst conclusion. Another completely unrelated site that I often visit was down this week with the EXACT same message, and came back online after a while. Could be a hosting issue or perhaps a billing issue, but I'm just guessing.
Posted By
 MIK on 2013-11-09 05:13:20
 | Re: What's happened to Lemon 64 and Lemon Amiga????
It happened earlier in the year and with-in a day it was back up, both of them. I can't for the life of me remember what or why it was but I'm sure it was hosting related and was nothing major or anything to worry about back then.
I thought back then our forum accounts had been hacked but no... all was fine.
Not that this will help but both Lemon sites are still sat on the same server as they have always been on since the very beginning, the same server this site was once on aka emucamp. Kims sites are just sat in a sub folder and the domains directed there so no change there as it were...
As for Sega rounding up old tape games for Commodore, Atari, Spectrum, Amstrad ect... I can't see that happening as mobile phones have passed that era of gaming, that second wind has gone.  They have been known to have video's removed on the web of one of the Phantasy Star games they were re-releasing tho so maybe people are confused with that. That's their own stuff obviously.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2013-11-09 08:47:51
| Re: What's happened to Lemon 64 and Lemon Amiga????
...And they are both back.