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Posted By

on 2013-11-08
 Spare +4 boxed in great condition for sale

I recently acquired 2 +4's, however I only really need one of them, and im not too fussed about it being boxed so im offering the nice boxed one up for sale here. Anyone want pictures please ask and i'll get them off to you.
Package will include;
Very nice condition +4 (working)
RF lead
Power supply
User Manual
3 in 1 Software Manual
Several games (mainly CBM)

Posted By

on 2013-11-17
 Re: Spare +4 boxed in great condition for sale

Do you still have it? Could be interested in case I don't win one from eBay today.

Posted By

on 2013-11-25
 Re: Spare +4 boxed in great condition for sale

Sorry for the long delay!! I bet youve won one now havnt you? If not, its still here!

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