Posted By
![](/images/g.gif) Csabo on 2002-10-04
| Vote NOW!!! Vote, Vote, Vote!
Hello everyone, just a reminder that the 2002 Minigame compo is still waiting for your votes. The voting closes on the 7th, so this weekend would be the perfect opportunity to check those games out and cast your vote.
Just grab any Plus/4 emu and VICE, that should cover all the Plus/4 entries plus the C=64, C=128 and VIC-20 entries as well (which is the bulk anyway). Even if you don't check out the rest of the games (you can vote "Didn't run" so those scores wouldn't be affected), at least your votes will count for the Commodore entries.
Vote!!! ![happy](/images/happy.gif)
2002 MiniGame Compo