Posted By
DeadTED on 2000-05-01
| Survey - Things to do with your plus/4
I have used my plus/4 to do the following :
- control robots - as a very intelligent home security system - as a weather station - to remotely trigger devices including some nasty ones - to automatically switch between multiple surveillance cameras at programmed or random intervals.
to name but a few.
Any other suggestions!
Posted By
MIK on 2000-05-02
| Intresting stuff
Just don't kill your Plus4 !!!
Posted By
DeadTED on 2000-05-02
| It is Possible
But it would have to occur indirectly through a PC via its serial port. I currently use my PC's harddrive to store my basic programs using a serial cable and a little program I wrote.
All instructions are available on the Plus/4 Supersite.
What is interresting to the plus/4 community though is these new USB devices, I wonder how hard (easy) it would be to get the plus/4 to talk to one of these devices?
Posted By
MIK on 2000-05-01
| MP3's
If you could get a Zipdrive or some fast and large storage device running this would be cool.
Zipdrive with PC format that the +4 could talk to, now this is a dream
Good work any ways Claude