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on 2012-08-16
 Netherlands Commodore Show - Saturday, August 18

Come one, come all! Saturday, August 18, the Netherlands C= Show returns to the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, Maarssen, Holland from 10:00 until 16:00. The show's theme is Commodore music, Amiga music, and demo time! Everyone who can show or demonstrate music om their Amiga and Commodore computer is invited.

Wilfred Bos will show his ACID64 project with a HardSID4U and HardSIDUPlay. In addition, he will show a C64 with a SID player on a new 1541 Ultimate II. Also a group of Amigans will be meeting to create an intro/demo.

Of course, there will a lot to do all day with the Amiga and Commodore computers. Entrance is free. For more information, go to


Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group

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