Posted By
 Csabo on 2012-08-08 12:10:38
| Re: Combing Text and freely placeable bitmaps on screen
"But, I dint find out, how you change the 4 colors? Shift+1 didnt work." In GfxEdit, go to View / Image Properties (or just press P). Make sure that under "Color Map" you have "Normal" selected. If it's "None", then you're editing the bitmap only, this is useful for sprites, etc.
"Lets say, i defined my Bitmap (50x100 Pixels), save it as Prg." Did you use the export as PRG function? Then you're exporting the full 320x200 bitmap. This is probably NOT what you want to do, it will store a lot more information than necessary. If you want to work with a smaller bitmap, "Save as source" is your only option. You can easily put that into an ASM file and compile it. Depending on how many images you have, you may be able to put ALL of them into a single file and keep it in memory. This would eliminate the need for loading.
"I want to position it freely on screen. How is this done in ML?" As long as you're copying them to character boundaries, it's just two loops of copying bytes (assuming you have the source and destination addresses). However, if you want to be able to copy them to any pixel position, it's much, much more complicated, you'll need to shift your data both horizontally and vertically. The 50 x 100 pixels size is odd, 50 is actually 6 chars + 2 more pixels, and 100 is 12 chars + 4 more pixels.
"And why are the colors not the same as in your Tool?" I don't know, no idea what you did. Maybe you can post some screens (or PM me the links)?