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on 2012-08-07
 Commodore Free issue 63 available (fwd)

------------- Original Message --------------
Subject: COMMODORE FREE issue 63
From: Nigel Parker
Date: Mon, August 6, 2012 1:25 am

Heck, this took some effort to throw together.
Ran out of time and way too much text to look at happy

Commodore Free Magazine

Issue 63

Free to download magazine
dedicated to Commodore computers
Available as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, HTML,
TXT, SEQ and D64 disk image


* Editorial
- aMiGa=PoWeR 49 is available
- Spike C64 Dislike
- Ocean Software Ltd.
- CHIP c64 special
- Icaros Desktop 1.4.3 Released
- 8 bit search page
- Obligement magazine update
- HVSC#57 is out!
- 64JPX is now available again
- A-EON Technology & ACube Systems
- CDTV CDA-2 Prototype Remote
- Hollywood Designer 4.0 out now!
- Introducing EasyCLI
- 2012 Commodore Vegas Expo v8
- Jeri Ellsworth C64 Base Thing
- basic 65 Synth For Windows
- UltimatePPC!
- RedPower 2 Released
- XSIDPLAY2 is 2.1.2
- Jack 3.1.3 released
- Final P1565 Prototype ready
- Parallelogram C-one demo
- UK readers say goodbye to Ceefax
- Nu, pagadi !
- Debian Linux for AmigaOne X1000
* Rediscovering CP/M - Part 4
* Review: Tower Of Evil
* Review: Ikari Warriors
* Review: Mr Puniverse
* Review: Moon Buggy
* Review: Saboteur! (Plus/4)
* Review: Saboteur! (C16)
* Review: Spike C64 Dislike
* [Mini] Game Reviews Corner pt. 1
* Interview With FlimSoft

Nigel Parker
Commodore Free Magazine
Commodore Computer club U.k.

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