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Posted By

on 2012-06-14

OK, I can't log in (getting only "0" number on da screen), can't find any e'mail address to the site's admins.
Is there anybody who can help?

Posted By

on 2012-06-14
 Re: Forum???????

Same happened to me, and the game databases weren't showing. Seems to be fixed now.
I'm sure the exact same thing happened before, that's going back a while now though.

Posted By

on 2012-06-14
 Re: Forum???????

This happens occasionally. There's some resource limit (set by our generous hosting company) that we exceed. When that happens, there's no database access... So basically nothing will work (except some cached stuff). Not much we can do about I'm afraid.

Posted By

on 2012-06-15
 Re: Forum???????

Yes indeed. Seems like it works fine now.

Posted By

on 2012-07-12
 Re: Forum???????

Seems we have some technical issues on our commodore16.com forum too.

As well as keeping spam out, it was keeping potential honest new members away too. Our Anti-Spam system is up the creek telling everyone who tries to register that their email is spam. No idea how long this has been happening for, so for now I've had to disable it until it can be fixed.

If anyone tried to register but couldn't before, feel free to try again now. Just hope we don't get loads of spammers again in the meantime.

Stupid anti-spam system

Posted By

on 2012-07-12
 Re: Forum???????

Cheers Sixteen Plus, thanks for helping solve that one. Registered a treat now.

Posted By

Bjartur of Summerhouses
on 2012-08-16
 Re: Forum???????

It may be acting up again - I have been trying to register (i.e. to join as a new member), but cannot even find a little "register" button anywhere on the site.

Sorry to be a nuisance, but could somebody help to point me in the right direction?
MANY thanks! happy

Posted By

on 2012-08-16
 Re: Forum???????

Nah, that's normal, as evidenced by this text right on the first page of the forum:

Welcome to the Forum!
You can discuss anything Plus/4 related here!

No registration necessary, anyone can post!

Posted By

Bjartur of Summerhouses
on 2012-08-17
 Re: Forum???????

I had noticed that, but wasn't quite sure what it meant - "no registration necessary" seems to suggest that registration is optional, therefore you can join as a full member if you would like to (which I would!).

Is that what it means, or does it mean that you cannot actually join, just post?

Thankyou for your help though, Csabo, and I hope that all is well with you! happy

Posted By

on 2012-08-17
 Re: Forum???????

The "members" section (if you click it at the top) started out as the list of developers, musicians, graphics artists etc that have worked on the machine, or basically known as the "scene". E.g. since you mentioned Hulk, from that page, you can go to Scott Adams. There's some nice detail there, his releases, some pics, etc.

But we certainly welcome independent people wink Just send me an email with your data (go to my record for example and look at the fields of the top section).

Posted By

Bjartur of Summerhouses
on 2012-08-18
 Re: Forum???????

Ah, I see! The level of skill and knowledge on this forum is extremely impressive, with people such as Scott Adams, and the young man who programmed the incredible graphics display which has been talked about here recently (that was just STUNNING... it left me speechless! Some of the people here are at the cutting edge of Plus 4 programming).

I certainly would not want to assume that I could just invite myself into such a group - their level of expertise, skill and dedication is way above mine, and I am happy to pay them the proper courtesy of being a non-member who posts occasionally; however, I will send you my details anyway, and you can do whatever you feel is appropriate with them! This seems like a very friendly community, and I am glad to be here. The Plus/4 will always have a great deal of sentimental value to me... happy

Incidentally, I am VERY impresses with your knowledge of Icelandic literature!!!! Have you read the book? It is a favourite of mine. happy

Thankyou for all of your help.


Posted By

on 2012-08-19
 Re: Forum???????

Bjartur of Summerhouses,

The forum is for anything and everything Plus/4, C16 or any of the other rare 264 series of machines such as a C116 or C264 and even emulation! So even if it's just some one who wants to play Icicle Works to the next demo that might blow people away everyone is welcome. It's very cool some of the best programmers & musicians as in the scene all come together and put up with us lesser mortals. wink

Truth is if you roll the clock back far enough the face of the machines on the web was mostly gaming in the early days and as the years rolled past things have changed. Web sites have become even bigger to the point of this date base we see today covering all forms of content from Demo's, Tools, and as always Games. Everything all coming together was for the better and helps keep the faith and flame burning as everyone gets involved. Thing is... games and more so the originals form the 80's have been mostly sorted now so it only needs for one person to say, "The Incredible Hulk" and everything you need to know is there in it's full and utter glory or best as can be. Enjoy! happy

Posted By

on 2012-08-20
 Re: Forum???????

Hey Peter,

Actually I haven't read the book. I just found your username interesting and decided to google it, the reference turned up immediately happy

Posted By

Bjartur of Summerhouses
on 2012-08-21
 Re: Forum???????

Thankyou very much for your replies, Csabo and MIK, and I apologise for having taken so long to reply to you - work has been absolutely non-stop since the weekend, and now (at quarter past midnight!) I have only just completed the current job and have a few minutes to catch up on emails and so on. My apologies, gents. I am sure that you understand! happy

Csabo, sorry for not having sent that email to you yet, for the same reason as above! I have your email address added to my contacts, and I will drop you a line tomorrow!

Best wishes all. happy

Posted By

on 2012-08-22
 Re: Forum???????

Ouch, sounds like you do American shifts. I've done that before and it make you feel like a Zombie after the first day. Get some rest and I'm sure your feel Human again soon enough. happy

Posted By

Bjartur of Summerhouses
on 2012-08-22
 Re: Forum???????

Ah, yes - "American shifts" is a great description! I am actually self-employed, which is fantastic, and I would never want to go back to working for a boss unless I absolutely had to, but it also means that you do not have a nice, regular cheque going into your bank account every week or every month - if I want to eat, I have to get a job finished, simple as that! wink
But like I say, the freedom is well worth all of the little hassles. happy

Thankyou for your kind words, MIK!

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