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Posted By

on 2012-05-19
 Pics from the May 12 SCCAN meeting

Thanks to Matt B., there were plenty of photos from the last SCCAN meeting. It was tough to decide, but I finally narrowed down the photos and posted them to


When the meeting finally began, it was very busy, and the last of us didn't leave until 8 p.m..

The next SCCAN meeting is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, July 14, just a few weekends before the Commodore Vegas Expo on July 28-29.

Speaking for SCCAN,
Robert Bernardo
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

Posted By

on 2012-05-20
 Re: Pics from the May 12 SCCAN meeting

Very nice looking Plus/4 and A600!

Shame Commodore used cream/white plastics starting with the Plus/4 Keyboard. It's the fire resistant chemical in the plastic that make them turn yellow which is also linked to UV light. I live in the dark for this reason... and so I can see the screen when the sun is out. wink

Looks like that Plus/4 has been very looked after! happy

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