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Posted By

on 2012-05-17
 Shipping cost from Germany to Australia

Could someone please advise the cheapest way of shipping a 1551 from Germany to central west New South Wales, Australia?

If it matters post code is 2711

Posted By

on 2012-05-18
 Re: Shipping cost from Germany to Australia

The cheapest way is DHL (Deutsche Post AG): € 57,--.

I found this figure on the German website http://www.posttip.de


Posted By

on 2012-05-18
 Re: Shipping cost from Germany to Australia

Wow! Not really economic unfortunately.

Thank you Hans.

Posted By

on 2012-05-18
 Re: Shipping cost from Germany to Australia

please let me add a small comment: 1551 housing seems to break too easily, so do not be surprised if not arrive in one piece, unfortunately

Posted By

on 2012-05-18
 Re: Shipping cost from Germany to Australia


What MMSZ said is quite important! The item must be protected as careful as possible - there's a 20.000 km trip ahead...I'd recommend that you get some polystyrene sheets from a Do-It-Yourself supermarket. You can cut down those sheets easily to the shape required for the floppy.

In Germany, that stuff is normally called "Styropor".

If you have an electronics / electrical appliances store nearby, you could also call in there and ask for some spare "Styropor" form pieces. They will be happy to get rid of that waste.

To avoid penetration of polystyrene particles into the floppy cover and disk slot, you should wrap it into a plastic bag.


Posted By

on 2012-05-19
 Re: Shipping cost from Germany to Australia

MMSZ and Hans - Thank you. I am aware that the case is very fragile. The Styropor sounds really good.

However the € 57 shipping has made me defer the idea at this time.

I have a 1551 but the R/W head is open circuit and I suspect the 28 pin 6523 in the interface is U/S. I would really like to get it going but having said that even if I get it working it will just form part of the collection.

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