| Posted By
 Noro on 2002-08-25
| OT: Flood in Dresden
Hi Plussies,
as you might know, Dresden - my home city - was hit by the biggest flood in its history one week ago - right after I came back from holidays.
Although I had luck and my home stayed dry (as well as my Plus4 ), the company I work for was partly under water and we still have to do much work to get it to normal daily business (still without electricity and phone/internet connnections), so I will have no spare time for the next weeks, so my started maps have to wait...
Here are some pictures of how it looked like around my company.
Posted By
 MIK on 2002-08-25
 | ..
Glad to know you, your home and things are fine. We were hoping no one in the plussy scene would be effected as so many of you are from Germany to Hungery way. Hope your company pulls through.
Best wishes m8 and take care.
Posted By
 Csabo on 2002-08-26
| Good luck
Glad to hear that your home was not affected. Weird to see all the water on those pictures... Nature just does whatever it thinks, eh? We are so small and helpless in some ways...
Good luck to your company, and I hope those maps will be finished soon! 
Posted By
 Mike on 2002-08-26
| (no topic)
You always think "oh no" when you see it on the news, but its still tought of as "far away" really.... it brings it home when someone like yourself posts and touches even the small plus/4 scene... Glad your all okay, hope the place is back on its feet soon...
Loved the piccy of the Fish though 
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