Posted By
 Krill on 2011-09-15 03:59:19
| Re: Please help testing: New loader release imminent
Chronos: Thanks!
Degauss: Thanks, too! One specimen of every model would be nice. If you cannot retrieve all of them, old 1541 is preferred, as at least one known (but yet unfound) bug exists with certain 1541 devices. And yes, i will put a loader build service on the server some day, but so far the priorities were strongly on this port, the features and the bugfixes, which is also why there is no documentation to speak of yet.
Gaia: 1551 is supported through the KERNAL fallback feature. The loader simply uses KERNAL calls for all drives it doesn't have custom drive code for. This means that loading isn't faster than without the loader, but at least it works. If enough people request native 1551 support, i might add it some day - could re-use some code for parallel 1541 connections, too. 
Luca: Yes, extended format and transfer needed. The upper extra tracks have more read restrictions than the normal ones, so this must be tested, too. Thanks for testing!