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on 2011-03-21
 Re: Converting gfx made on PC

C64 multicolor FLI is slightly different from Plus/4, and less restricted:
- two colors can be set for 4x1 cells
- one color for 4x8 cells (this is the VIC-II color memory)
- one "background" color that is like $FF15/$FF16 on the Plus/4, and may be changed for each line
The multicolor FLI mode of p4fliconv supports these:
- two colors for 4x2 cells (DFLI)
- two background colors for $FF15/$FF16, these can be set separately for each line
- X shift ($FF07) can also be different for each line (if not 0, then the display is automatically limited to 38 columns)
- if the vertical resolution is greater than 200 lines, then, for a pair of lines, it is only possible to have either separate $FF07 or $FF15 values (the converter will choose whichever is better with optimized X shift)
It is not possible to convert C64 FLI to Plus/4 without clashes, in fact, even the simple non-FLI multicolor mode is problematic, as there are 3 colors that can be set independently for each 4x8 character cell.

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