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on 2002-06-19

Does anyone know how many levels there are supposed to be on Oblido, I've got to the 4th and finished it but it doesn't do anything. The blue box doesn't flash when filled
Posted By

on 2002-06-19
 I did here a romour...

That some guy bought a number of Oblido's all found to have some bug after a couple of levels.. This wasn't an emulation thing, but playing it on a real Plus4. This might be the bug your on about?

I have never sat down to play the game more than 1 level because I never got on with it.

Have you tried this game on a C16 or C16 emulation using yape? I know it might sound silly but Pin Point crashes at level 2 on a C16 but fine on a Plus4. Might be worth a try??

Sorry I can't offer any real help
Posted By

on 2002-06-19
 My Fav!

Well, I've never admitted this before, but Oblido was my absolute favourite game on the Plus/4. I could play for hours... I love this game, totally my style. Although I got stuck after the 4th one as well. I suspect that it's an actual bug in the game as well. Or maybe the programmer (whoever it was, I don't know) didn't think anyone would finish it, or didn't have enough memory to include a "Well Done!" message after the 4th (last?) level.

Actually I've been meaning to look into this by disassembling the code, and reading through it. This way I would be able to confirm what the game does after finishing the 4th level. I just don't have the time at the moment...

Still I'm glad someone bought this up!!! Oblido Rulez wink
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on 2002-06-19
 Re: My Fav!

Hey Csabo, maybe the game was to damm hard even for the author to fully test it for bugs wink

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