Posted By
 NinjaDRM on 2009-04-27 04:04:59
| Re: limiTED2 - official thread
First of all, I also want to thank the organizers (and especially Luca) for doing this event again. It has been very nicely executed and we even have this "resultro", great work.
About my entry and the similarity to "Borderless": It looks the same, but in fact, it is quite different technically. Actually, the sine effect is more or less only there to present the underlying technique to cross the border. On the C64 it meant setting up _sprites_, stretch them while removing sideborder and such. For the C16, it meant to find out how to get a constant _idle byte_ (or ghostbyte as it is called on C64). So, quite different approach, especially as the latter one seems to have never been used before. The only thing that was reusable was a skeleton of the BASIC sine generator which doesn't look too different from the other entries, after all 
bubis: Yeah, the ghostbyte is available on VIC, too. I was pretty sure the TED works very similar regarding idle cycles (I mean, what should it do else, it has to read something). That idea was in my head since limiTED1, I just never took the time to play around before.
ian_coog: BTW, it is not half the size, but 83%. Then again, it is hires resolution and half the code size, FWIW.
gaia: I think the flickering in YAPE is because the byte from $ffff is latched (at least) one cycle too early. Could this be true? I could write a small test routine for that next week.