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on 2009-01-16
 Re: Is anyone still printing anything on the original hardware (e.g. MPS 801, SP 180 VC)?

Well, I sold my stuff several years ago. My mother company sold the old stuff when they switched over to PC, I bought a complete C64 config with 1541/II, MPS803, and as I remember the C64 had a lot of extras, like Reset button (wow!) and some speeddos EPROM was built in. All together it was ~50 Euro, or soemthing... But certainly I stopped doing graphics on plus/4, and played a lot on GPC, Shadow of Beast, DOC, and all the classics we just wished on Plussy at that time.

At that time I played and printed a lot with GEOS (local magazine for friends, classmates), and was surprised, why GEOS is not available on Plus/4. In fact with that simple floppy method it was slow like hell. 64KB and slow floppy killed it, especially the floppy swapping/turning
I stopped using MPS803 the first time I saw a 24pin matrix printer's result. It was shockig how bad MPS803 was compared to that...
When I switch over to PC, I purchased a STAR LC24C. It was a A3 beast, ~10kgs, color capable, fast monster. With high quality printing it was so noisy, that my head wanted to blow up after 20 minutes... (calling it "high quality" is some kind of funny compared to current printing results we have for much less money)
Original price was huge, but I got it for ~20 Euro (Certainly from my mother's company, who just sold their dot-matrix when they bought lasers happy )

At that time I still had my C16, but as it had no user port (Star had Centronics), I could not connect that monster to my little fellow, although there were some Centronics adaptors available for Plus/4 would make this possible.
It was my last attempt to print anything on C16 or Commodore. I know that some lasers could be hooker up with C64+GEOS, but the memory limitation makes it really useless attempt...

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