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Posted By

on 2008-11-27
 Hungarian <-> English online translators

Hi guys!

I feel the need to read some Plus/4, Enterprise 64 and electronics-related Hungarian texts from time to time, which is quite a big problem for me as I don't speak Hungarian. :D
Tried a few online translation engines, for example InterTran, but the output is virtualy useless!!!
Could anyone please recommend me a decent one (or maybe even translate one short paragraph for me)?
I once tried to contact one Hungarian IC shop (in English) but they completely ignored me. So I asked a fellow Atarian with Hungarian mother happy for help with the translation and they did answer soon, but the online translator completely failed....

Thank you!

Posted By

on 2008-11-27
 Re: Hungarian <-> English online translators

OK, time to answer myself. happy
I finally found out www.webforditas.hu in the pile of useless links and it's doing a good job.
Do you guys know of any other language resource that could a Plus/4 beginner (who can hardly say játékkonzol, számítógép - nem PC and bolhapiac) find handy? wink

Posted By

on 2008-11-27
 Re: Hungarian <-> English online translators

All I can think of is the site use personally: http://dict.sztaki.hu/english-hungarian. I can also offer some help, if you run into any particular words or expressions that you are unsure about, drop me line by email or PM me.

Posted By

on 2008-12-02
 Re: Hungarian <-> English online translators

Thanks a lot!

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