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on 2008-11-19
 Re: Any news on Plus4emu...

Sorry to hear that Istvan. I've cheered you on since I first heard about your emulator, and I'll do it again in the vain hope that you'll continue developing it. Since it was (until now) the only actively developed Plus/4 emulator that ran natively in Linux, I was very happy when I discovered it.

"if no one wants to continue it, then it just proves that I made the right choice by abandoning it."
No, that just means that there are no competent enough programmers interested in continuing it. I for one would love to continue it but my coding skills extends only to some 6502 assembly and a tiny amount of Python, and I just don't have enough free time to learn enough programming to be able to take over such a huge project.

If you don't think the project is fun anymore then that's a perfectly good reason not to continue it, but don't blame the users for not being supportive enough.

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