| Posted By
PaulK on 2008-07-22 08:06:57
| What happens ?
Recently on Sundays, I cannot seem to access this site and this week it was unaccessable on Monday as well. Is there any reason for this ?
Posted By
Chronos on 2008-07-22 09:18:47
| Re: What happens ?
yap, same goes at me.. i tried to register some free domain stuff (tx.hu) and point it here.. Csabo,Luca! i see there is something wrong with the dns, a free second free domain gonna be a solution or not?!
Posted By
Csabo on 2008-07-22 11:05:43
| Re: What happens ?
Same here as well. This is above our heads though, meaning we can't administer this and I'm not sure who (if anyone) is to be contacted on the issue. The owner of our domain is ztnet.com, they own a whole bunch of domains, at least one of those have recently expired (emulationworld.com). Let's just hope we don't end up like that.
Anyway, the IP address of all those sites is shared. So today I added this line to my HOSTS file:# plus4.emucamp.com As you can see it's commented out. When the site will become unavailable, I'll uncomment this line and see if it works.
Posted By
Chronos on 2008-07-22 11:10:18
| Re: What happens ?
i think its not okay, because all the subdomains is on this ip address, but we'll see
Posted By
Chronos on 2008-07-23 12:48:55
| Re: What happens ?
today there was a failure again.. seems like there is a problem with the server or the proxy server... csabo, if u send me in private the real link to the page eg. x.com/~sanyi i'll try to redirect some free url to that address.. (i've already registered htp://plus4.tx.hu)
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