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on 2008-07-08
 Re: plus4emu FLI converter

The converter optimizes the picture for the plus4emu palette (in PAL mode), and the preview is also based on the same emulator (with full display emulation quality). Since you seem to be using YAPE, I recommend the "digitized" colors, which are slightly closer to my palette than the "calculated" ones.
The Plus/4 palette indeed does not allow for changing the saturation, and the single fixed saturation is lower for colors on the V axis than for U, relative to the maximum possible value, and this is most visible in the case of red.

For getting the best results in multicolor mode, I recommend using the Floyd-Steinberg dithering mode instead of the default ordered dither with randomization, and it may be useful to experiment with the 'MC chrominance error scale' parameter, and also 'Multicolor quality' (note that sometimes a lower quality will produce a better looking image, despite the worse error value). Small changes to the scaling and offset can also make a significant difference due to how the details of the image are aligned with the 4x8 character cells.

I think the best mode overall (assuming that file size does not matter) is interlaced multicolor FLI, although it requires some experimenting with dither modes. The hires FLI modes can be very good for some specific images, though, but not for some others.

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