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on 2008-04-04
 Re: plus4emu FLI converter

There is a new p4fliconv.7z package available for download now. It adds support for reading .gif and .xpm files, although transparency is currently ignored (unlike in the case of RGBA PNG files, where it blends with the border color), and named colors like "Black" instead of "#000000" in .xpm files are not allowed. XPM format images that use a palette that has at least 128 colors and is sufficiently similar to the Plus/4 palette are handled in a special way, similarly to .koa and .ocp: the color indexes are mapped directly to Plus/4 colors, the image size is scaled only by integer ratios and without interpolation, and color correction is disabled.
Other changes include the addition of yet another dithering mode (mostly for interlaced multicolor modes, where dithering is often problematic), and some optimizations in the decompress.s file, which, if enabled, improve the speed by a few percents at the expense of increasing the code size by 6 bytes.

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