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on 2007-10-22
 Re: Jack Tramiel at Computer History Museum - Dec. 10 !!!

Today I was able to make phone contact with Karen Tucker of
the Computer History Museum and question her on the details for
the event, "The Impact of the Commodore 64: A 25-Year
Celebration". Here are the specifics:

Location: Computer History Museum, 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd,
(exit from the 101 Freeway) Mountain View, California 94043
Phone: 650 810-1010

Time and format of the event: Monday, Dec. 10
6 pm - 7 pm -- Museum member's reception with the guests.
Beer, wine, and hors' doeuvres served.
7 pm - 8:30 or 9 pm -- First words/speech by Jack Tramiel,
panel discussion, question-and-answer session
Afterwards, informal chit-chat and possible autographs

Admission -- for the reception, free to museum members ($65
for the event, free general admission ($10 donation requested)

Seating capacity -- 400

Webpage -- Karen remarks that they are "stupidly slow" at
updating the events' page at
http://www.computerhistory.org/events/ but assures that
the event "is really going to happen... definitely".

Guests to speak/appear (updated) -- Jack Tramiel (pronounced
/tra mel/, Karen tells), former CEO of Commodore Business

Steve Wozniak of Apple fame

William C. Lowe, father of the IBM PC

Adam Chowaniec, former vice-president of technology for
Amiga at Commodore Business Machines

John Markoff, moderator of the panel discussion and New
York Times reporter and author of the computer history
book, "What the Dormouse"

Leonard Tramiel, former vice-president of software
development and v.p. of advanced technology at Atari

Jeri Ellsworth, engineer behind the CommodoreOne and the

Media recording - photography (no flash), videography, and
audio-taping permitted. Possible webcast from Liquid
Computing of Canada (Chowaniec's current company),
which is sponsoring the event.

Some items are still in flux; when I have further updates, I will
post them.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids

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